Acknowledgements to the main NHSGGC website for the content on this page. Our website has been designed in accordance with the same standards.
Does the website conform to accessibility standards?
Yes. Most of the content on our site conforms to at least AA approval, we are constantly working to improve this. We will soon have a full accessibility statement on our site. You can find out more about accessibility at:
For help in making your computer work best for you try looking at the AbilityNet web site.
Can I get information in other languages?
To get information on the web in other languages you can go to the links page of our Equal Access to Health microsite, visit the NHS 24 website translations page for some useful leaflets. If you need more help then please contact us using the General Enquiries form and we will try to provide what you need or help you to find it.
Please be aware that although automatic translators available on the internet can be useful you should never rely on them alone for detailed and accurate translation of important health information.
I'm having trouble controlling the mouse to click on links and buttons
This is a common issue with elderly users and those with specific motor impairment conditions. Please have a look at the following sites for information on products, some available free, which may help you.
Suggest a question for this page through our General Enquiries form.