Current Multi-centre Research Activity

The diverse age range and nature of the PICU patient population means that, to generate new knowledge, it is vital that we collaborate in research projects with other PICUs across the UK and globally.

PICU Glasgow is currently seeking volunteer patients for the following research studies:

BESS - The Bronchiolitis Endotracheal Surfactant Study

A phase-2 blinded randomised air-placebo-controlled trial of endotracheal surfactant (poractant alfa) in critically ill infants with bronchiolitis.
BESS is a study looking at whether a liquid called surfactant could help babies with Bronchiolitis to reduce the time they need to be on the Mechanical Ventilator.

GenOMICC - Genetetics Of Mortality In Critical Care

An open-source research study that aims to engage and unite clinicians and scientists form all over the world to understand the genetic factors that change outcome in critical illness. Achieving this will require cooperation at a grand scale for a prolonged period.
Our genes (or DNA) determine how vulnerable we are to sepsis and other forms of critical illness. We aim to discover specific genes that control the processes that lead to life-threatening illness. If we understand these processes, we think we'll be able to design new, effective treatments and medicines.
To do this we need to get a single DNA sample (blood or saliva) from lots of criticaly-ill patients with a range of carefully-selected conditions. The more patients, the better.

Oxy-PICU - Oxygen in Paediatric Intensive Care

A Randomised Multiple Centre Trial of Conservative versus Liberal Oxygenation Targets in Critically Ill Children. 
Oxygen is one of the most common treatments used in emergency situations. Doctors and nurses adjust oxygen treatment based on how much oxygen there is in the blood, known as oxygen saturations. We know that very low oxygen saturations are harmful but we think very high saturations may also be dangerous.
Giving extra oxygen is standard treatment for children in intensive care across the world, but the best oxygen level to aim for is not known. We want to find out whether aiming for a lower oxygen saturation (88-92%) is safer than commonly used targets (above 94%).